We all have people we admire and want to be like especially when we are young. If you’ve ever watched a movie, read a book, or seen a comic strip about a hero—from Rocky Balboa to now Adonis Creed, Black Panther, Batman to Spiderman to Wonder Woman to The Chronicles of Narnia—chances are that you felt inspired by a Hero.
You probably felt it while you watched Spiderman scale buildings no one else could climb. You noticed an itch in your spirit when the bat-shaped airplane came swooping out of nowhere to rescue Gotham City. You felt the excitement as you watched the mighty elf-prince fight to redeem Minas Tirith. Something stirred in your heart as the Scandinavian princess turned things to ice with a mere flick of her fingers, then brought them to life again by the power of love. You felt it when Queen Susan fired red-feathered arrows that never missed out of a quiver that never emptied, and when Aslan the lion-god summoned a slumbering river back to consciousness so it could miraculously defeat its enemies.
If you’re anything like me, you felt something in those stories. The stirring of something deep inside you that you would never in a million years admit to having. It’s the desire for greatness and the fantastic; for the supernatural, for superpowers because you would love to become a Hero yourself. If that sounds like you, I have good news! You can be a Hero yourself because, if you have given your life to Jesus Christ, there’s a Hero living inside you.
His name is God the Holy Spirit. He’s the Original Hero and when you surrendered your life to Jesus you received the gift of the Holy Spirit. He’s not simply with you or on you but He’s inside you. He remains there always, and He promises to never leave you or forsake you. He is a gift given to you by God the Father. This Gift, your Hero Within, is irrevocable. He has greater works for you to do than you ever could have imagined.
You were destined to be a hero
We have two realities: the natural and the supernatural. God, however, only has one reality. What’s supernatural to us comes natural to God. What’s extraordinary to us is ordinary to Him. What’s impossible for us is possible for Him. All He’s looking for is someone who can believe what Jesus said:
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do.”
He wants people who will believe what the angel told Daniel during a supernatural visitation:
“Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”
You and I were destined to be heroes of the highest order, all because we have God the Hero Within living inside us. He wants to work miracles through you at home. He wants to promote you in the marketplace. He wants to demonstrate His signs and wonders in your office. He wants to use you to heal and restore people you meet at restaurants and on the street. He wants you to feel His presence at work in you as you balance your bank account, play a sport, clean your house, build your business, write your book, deliver your speech, or sing your song. God is so much than we can even begin to realize. He wants to do this now not later. This is your season!
Your feelings of inadequacy and inferiority must go. Your past hurts must go. Your guilt from past decisions must go. You are more than you think. All you need is a revelation of His adequacy because the Hero Within, the Holy Spirit, came to dwell in you. You became heroic because of the Holy Spirit living within you! You will overcome. You will receive the promise. It’s time to reclaim the supernatural. It’s time to let Him loose us to do what He wants to do. It’s time to let our Hero shape us into the people He always intended for us to be.
Are you ready to receive the Hero Within?